GCCC: Reflect, Nourish, Envision
December 5, 11:00 am—12:00 pm
We cannot always anticipate or control what will happen in life. What we do have power over is how we respond to what happens.
Self-preparation is the deliberate process of envisioning what virtues and actions we want to display in times of intense negative stress.
Please join us for a gathering of those interested in reflecting on where we’ve been and considering where we want to go and how we can best be of benefit to the Gulf Coast community in the coming year.
We will be meeting in person at Nova Espresso in Detonti Square, the residential neighborhood directly north of downtown Mobile. In case of inclement weather, we will meet at Serda’s on Royal St. If you are interested in sharing this conversation with other persons concerned about our Earth home, please RSVP here.